
  • Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux

    Can I take apple cider vinegar for acid reflux? Well, let’s talk about that!  If you’re looking for a natural remedy for acid reflux, apple cider vinegar might be worth giving a shot!  When I decided to ditch my daily antacids, apple cider vinegar was really helpful in my healing process.  However, apple cider vinegar has its pros and cons, so let’s explore if adding it to your daily routine would be beneficial for you.  What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?  Apple cider vinegar is fermented vinegar made from crushed apples.  It has risen in popularity in the last few years on mainstream media for its vast health benefits.  Is Apple…

  • Slippery Elm For Acid Reflux

    If you deal with occasional to chronic acid reflux you should consider trying slippery elm for acid reflux.  Slippery elm is by far the best natural supplement for acid reflux.  When I started to ease myself off of antacids and let my body heal, slippery elm was the best supplement I could find that worked really quickly to relieve the pain.  What is Slippery Elm?  Slippery Elm Bark is a soothing herb that comes from the inner bark of the slippery elm tree. I know, it sounds kinda weird but trust me – it’s magic for heartburn and acid reflux.  Slippery Elm has been known to help with coughs and…

  • Aloe Vera For Acid Reflux

    If you deal with occasional acid reflux or heartburn you might want to try aloe vera for acid reflux!  What is Aloe Vera Juice?  Aloe Vera is the thick liquid from the flesh of the aloe vera plant leaf. It’s commonly used to treat sunburns and other skin conditions.  However, Aloe vera is also decolorized and purified for consumption. You can buy it as a liquid and drink it plain or add it to smoothies.  Does Aloe Vera Juice Help Acid Reflux?  Yes! Aloe vera juice can be soothing for your throat during a flare-up. If you often have sore throats with your acid reflux it can be a huge…

  • Acid Reflux Diet

    By following an acid reflux diet you can give your body a break and an opportunity to heal.  If you’ve found yourself here you’re probably ready to kick your acid reflux for good!  While I was working to get off my daily antacid I followed an acid reflux diet to give my body a chance to heal.  If you’re following my guide on how to get rid of acid reflux in 4 weeks you might be wondering what you should be eating during those 4 weeks.  We know what foods to avoid for acid reflux but in this article, I’ll be sharing delicious soothing foods to eat during your transition…

  • How To Treat Acid Reflux Naturally

    Treating acid reflux naturally is no simple task but is doable with patience and a few home remedies.  I’ve dealt with acid reflux most of my life and one day decided to finally do something about it. I did my research and tried every home remedy I could until I was finally able to stop relying on daily antacids and let my body heal. You can read what I did here.  If you have acid reflux occasionally there are a few simple things you can try for quick relief. If you’re dealing with more chronic acid reflux then you’ll want to focus on the long-term strategies to treat acid reflux…

  • What Causes Acid Reflux?

    If you’ve been dealing with acid reflux on a regular basis you’ve come to the right place! On this blog, we discuss what causes acid reflux and how you can get rid of it for good by healing your body.  Acid reflux can be caused by many different things, but regardless it can be annoying and painful.  As a child, I struggled with chronic acid reflux until I finally decided to do something about it and instead focused on healing my body.  Now I help people like you understand what’s causing your acid reflux and what you can do about it.  What is Acid Reflux Let’s start by understanding what…

  • Home Remedies For Acid reflux

    Acid reflux is not fun to deal with, but with these home remedies for acid reflux, you can manage your pain and prevent future issues in no time!  If you’re like me you don’t like reaching for antacids every time you experience acid reflux. In my experience antacids actually make acid reflux worse in the long run.  Instead, I focus on simple home remedies that can help my acid reflux quickly as well as prevent it from coming back again. What causes acid reflux  First let’s talk a little bit about what causes acid reflux.  Acid reflux can be caused by a variety of issues including the foods you’re eating,…

  • Foods That Help With Acid Reflux

    We talk a lot about foods that cause acid reflux, now let’s talk about foods that help with acid reflux.  Treating and managing acid reflux isn’t just about eliminating things from your diet but also incorporating low inflammatory and gut-healing foods.  It’s my belief that getting to the root cause of your acid reflux and healing your body from the inside out is the way to treat acid reflux for good. On this blog, I share lots of tips on how to heal your body and eliminate your acid reflux for good but let’s talk about foods to incorporate to help your acid reflux here.  Best Foods To Help With…

  • Foods That Cause Acid Reflux

    Learn about the common foods that cause acid reflux and what you can do to manage your acid reflux without medication.  Having occasional acid reflux can be annoying, but having chronic acid reflux or GERD can impact your life in huge ways.  A variety of things can cause acid reflux and your diet is only one source. There’s most likely a larger underlying issue causing your acid reflux and certain foods are just making those symptoms a lot worse.  By re-evaluating your diet and making some changes you can allow your body to heal as you focus on that deeper issue.  In this article, we’ll be discussing common foods that…

  • How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux In 4 Weeks

    This is a guide to get rid of your acid reflux naturally and for good in as little as four weeks! I based this guide on my own experience. After being on prescription antacids for over 5 years I was determined to find another solution. In my mind, I knew that my body could deal with it on its own, and I felt that antacids just weren’t allowing my body to heal itself. So, like you, I did a ton of research online for natural remedies and committed myself for four weeks to a trying variety of remedies that I found.  These are the exact steps I used to get…