Acid Reflux

Learn how to get rid of acid reflux naturally and for good. As a young adult, I struggled with really bad heartburn and was put on daily acid blockers for four years. When enough was enough I decided to turn to natural remedies to get rid of my GERD. Within a few weeks, it was gone and hardly ever bothers me. I use this blog to teach what I've learned and what has worked for me so that I can help others get rid of their heartburn for good. I talk about the underlying caused of acid reflux, natural remedies to get rid of it, and how to keep it from controlling your life.

  • Lifestyle Changes For Acid Reflux

    If you experience occasional or chronic acid reflux you may find some lifestyle changes for acid reflux helpful in reducing your pain.  Sometimes diet alone isn’t enough to prevent acid reflux. I recommend focusing on diet, gut health, and lifestyle changes when you’re looking to get rid of acid reflux.  Luckily these lifestyle habits are pretty simple and really just come down to being intentional and slowing down your life.  Acid reflux is caused by stomach acid re-entering the esophagus. (learn more about that here) And while there are a lot of different things that can cause that to happen there are some lifestyle changes you can do to help…

  • Acid Reflux Symptoms

    Do you know what that pain in your throat is? Let’s talk about acid reflux symptoms to see if that could be what’s causing your pain.  Determining if that uncomfortable feeling in your throat and/or stomach can be tricky. Luckily, acid reflux has some pretty clear symptoms.  The trickier part is to figure out what is triggering your acid reflux and what you can do to get it to go away.  What Causes Acid Reflux?  Let’s start by understanding what causes acid reflux. You can dive deeper into the causes of acid reflux on another blog, but let’s cover the basics.  The tube your food takes to get to your…

  • Are Antacids Good For You?

    Are antacids good for you? Let’s look at when and how you should take antacids or if you should ditch them altogether.  If you’re new to this blog, welcome! I share my experience with acid reflux and how I spent 5 years on daily antacids until I decided to ditch them for good and focus on healing my body.  This post is about the thought process I went through to make that decision. You may read through this and decide on a totally different plan of action, but if you relate to me you might find my experience healing from acid reflux really helpful.  If you want more of the…

  • Gut Health And Acid Reflux

    How are gut health and acid reflux related? Well, it might be a stronger connection than you think.  If you’ve been dealing with chronic acid reflux that isn’t caused by the typical triggers you’re probably searching for the deeper issue.  I dealt with chronic acid reflux for nearly 5 years before I decided enough was enough and I started searching for the root cause of the issue. Initially, when I saw a doctor they said it was simply due to stress and I just needed to relax. While that could have been the case, I was a teenager and no matter what I did to relax nothing helped.  So I…

  • Stress And Acid Reflux

    What’s the connection between stress and acid reflux? Let’s find out!  When it comes to acid reflux triggers stress is the worst for me.  Acid reflux is caused by a variety of things and everyone has a unique experience. If you haven’t read up on the main triggers of acid reflux you should check that out.  If you’re aware that stress is your main acid reflux trigger you’re probably wanting to learn more about it and how you can prevent it in the future. Well, let’s talk about that! Can Stress Cause Acid Reflux?  Studies have shown that high levels of stress can make you more likely to experience acid…

  • Acid Reflux Smoothie Recipes

    Check out my favorite acid reflux smoothie recipes to heal your body and find relief from acid reflux!  If you struggle with chronic acid reflux you know how frustrating it can be to find foods that prevent acid reflux and soothe your pain.  You might be working to not only avoid foods that cause acid reflux but incorporate foods that help with acid reflux at the same time.  Drinking smoothies can be a really great way to add soothing foods to your diet while also giving your digestive system a break. I also found that an ice-cold smoothie was easier on my esophagus than anything else.  Looking for a full…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar For Acid Reflux

    Can I take apple cider vinegar for acid reflux? Well, let’s talk about that!  If you’re looking for a natural remedy for acid reflux, apple cider vinegar might be worth giving a shot!  When I decided to ditch my daily antacids, apple cider vinegar was really helpful in my healing process.  However, apple cider vinegar has its pros and cons, so let’s explore if adding it to your daily routine would be beneficial for you.  What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?  Apple cider vinegar is fermented vinegar made from crushed apples.  It has risen in popularity in the last few years on mainstream media for its vast health benefits.  Is Apple…

  • Slippery Elm For Acid Reflux

    If you deal with occasional to chronic acid reflux you should consider trying slippery elm for acid reflux.  Slippery elm is by far the best natural supplement for acid reflux.  When I started to ease myself off of antacids and let my body heal, slippery elm was the best supplement I could find that worked really quickly to relieve the pain.  What is Slippery Elm?  Slippery Elm Bark is a soothing herb that comes from the inner bark of the slippery elm tree. I know, it sounds kinda weird but trust me – it’s magic for heartburn and acid reflux.  Slippery Elm has been known to help with coughs and…

  • Aloe Vera For Acid Reflux

    If you deal with occasional acid reflux or heartburn you might want to try aloe vera for acid reflux!  What is Aloe Vera Juice?  Aloe Vera is the thick liquid from the flesh of the aloe vera plant leaf. It’s commonly used to treat sunburns and other skin conditions.  However, Aloe vera is also decolorized and purified for consumption. You can buy it as a liquid and drink it plain or add it to smoothies.  Does Aloe Vera Juice Help Acid Reflux?  Yes! Aloe vera juice can be soothing for your throat during a flare-up. If you often have sore throats with your acid reflux it can be a huge…

  • Acid Reflux Diet

    By following an acid reflux diet you can give your body a break and an opportunity to heal.  If you’ve found yourself here you’re probably ready to kick your acid reflux for good!  While I was working to get off my daily antacid I followed an acid reflux diet to give my body a chance to heal.  If you’re following my guide on how to get rid of acid reflux in 4 weeks you might be wondering what you should be eating during those 4 weeks.  We know what foods to avoid for acid reflux but in this article, I’ll be sharing delicious soothing foods to eat during your transition…