
  • How to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris

    I’ve dealt with Keratosis Pilarsis – those annoying red bumps on my arms and legs for as long as I can remember. Over the years I’ve tried so many different things and finally found a few things that help. Here you will find everything that I tried that helped me through my journey. Full transparency – I tried things for years and it cleared up in my pictures when I stopped eating gluten and started taking a probiotic. Nearly 6 years after those pictures were taken I was diagnosed with celiac disease. During those 6 years, I went on and off gluten multiple times. It always came back after I…

  • How I got rid of my Acid Reflux Naturally

    Looking to get rid of acid reflux for good? Tired of taking harsh prescriptions to find relief? Here’s what I did to get rid of my acid reflux for good. Related Article: Get Rid Of Acid Reflux In 4 Weeks Where it all started  My childhood I remember being as young as the age of 6 and complaining that “I kept throwing up a little bit in my mouth”. My mom brushed it off, thinking I was being dramatic as always, but that pain was real – and continued to cause damage to my stomach and esophagus as I grew older.  I started having really bad health problems around the…

  • Meal Prep Ideas | July 15th

    New to counting macros? Start here – The Ultimate Guide To Counting Macros. I’ve been using this meal plan for a couple weeks now. It seems to really work for what I’m doing this summer. I have an outdoor summer job so I wanted something I could easily pack and eat, and sandwiches just weren’t my thing. So I opted for this Disneyland inspired salad! Check out the full details of this week’s plan below to get some meal prep ideas for yourself. Want more meal prep ideas and don’t want to figure them out alone? Check out my macro meal plan here! Morning Routine:  When I first wake up…

  • How To Meal Prep

    Want to learn how to meal prep the easy way? Learn how I do it and get access to my macro meal plan template Don’t want to do all the hard planning yourself? Check out my macro meal plan with all the recipes ready to go for a perfectly balanced diet! Why Meal Prep?  I decided to start counting my macros and meal prepping in 2018. Mostly because I wanted to be in control of my diet and ensure I was eating what I needed to in order to improve my health. At the time I was really struggling with some digestive disorders and trying to figure out what my…

  • Why I Went Paleo And What It Means To Me

    I decided to try the Paleo Diet back in the summer of 2017. I had recently been diagnosed with IBS and I was beginning to feel worse and worse. (Read more about that discovery here) I wasn’t sleeping well, my stomach was always upset, I woke up feeling nauseous every morning, my acid reflux was out of control, and to top it off I had migraines more days than I didn’t. However, I knew it all had to do with my gut health and what I was eating so I started to try the “Elimination Diet” or “FODMAP Diet” that most IBS suffers start with. I found it difficult for…

  • My Journey To A Healthier Life

    My journey to a healthier life hasn’t been an easy or quick one. I’ve struggled with a digestive disorder which has made health goals and life in general difficult for me. I’ve learned a lot along the way and want to share those lessons which anyone struggling with similar difficulties!  My Early Life My stomach issues started when I was 12 years old. I started realizing a sensitivity to dairy so I worked towards removing dairy from my diet. But that really only went as far as milk, because let’s be honest – cheese is incredible. Fast forward a few years to about age 16 and my issues were getting…