
  • AIP DIET SERIES – Week 3 Overview

    << Back to Week 1-2 Update I had a lot going on in my personal life this week that it’s been hard to take notes. Some added external stress has definitely been noticeable. But I’m working hard to put it behind me and not be too concerned. Overall this eating style is getting easier. Coming back from the lake I took things easy for a bit and have just been sticking with what I love. I am starting to see some slow and steady progress which is very encouraging. My inflammation is starting to lessen, my mind is clearing, and I generally feel much happier! Menu For The Week This…

  • AIP DIET SERIES – Week 1-2 Overview

    << Back To Introduction Update Starting the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet has been an eye-opening and transformative journey for me. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, but knowing that this is a step towards better health keeps me grounded. Here’s a peek into my experience so far: Balancing Cortisol Levels Supporting and balancing my cortisol levels often has a noticeable negative impact on my anxiety and mood right in the beginning. I’ve taken steps to lower my cortisol after a flare twice this year and it was the same feeling, so I was somewhat prepared for it, but the intensity always takes me by surprise. The second week on AIP…

  • AIP DIET SERIES – Introduction

    My Journey with Chronic Inflammation Living with celiac disease has been a rollercoaster of health and wellness. Initially, after my diagnosis, I adhered strictly to a gluten-free diet, and the results were phenomenal. My symptoms dramatically reduced, and I felt a sense of relief. However, over time, lingering symptoms of inflammation began to reappear. My menstrual cycle became irregular, and my PMS symptoms intensified. I also developed a sensitivity to nightshades, particularly tomatoes and potatoes. A Significant Shift A few months ago, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my condition, about 80 days after my last gluten exposure. My stomach size decreased significantly, seemingly shrinking by inches daily. To celebrate…

  • Fibromyalgia Survival Guide

    Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2022 marked the beginning of a challenging journey. If you’re in a similar boat, you understand the frustration of obtaining a diagnosis and the often inadequate treatment plans. Over the past year, I’ve discovered strategies to alleviate my symptoms and better cater to my needs. In sharing these insights, my aim is to offer support to those facing similar struggles. While what works for me may not guarantee results for everyone, I hope you find something beneficial among these suggestions. Feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments! Understanding My Symptoms: Fibromyalgia manifests differently for everyone, and my symptoms range in intensity. Primarily,…

  • Eating Out With Acid Reflux

    Here are my tips and recommendations for eating out with Acid Reflux.  If you have chronic acid reflux it can be frustrating and overwhelming to navigate the minefield of eating out. While you may feel limited in your choices there are still plenty of options to enjoy that won’t trigger your acid reflux.  Let’s look at why fast food or eating out gives you more acid reflux than normal, tips for eating out, and what to order at actual places to give you some peace of mind.  Why Does Eating Out Give Me Acid Reflux?  It’s common to feel more acid reflux when you eat out than when you make…

  • Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

    Everything you need to know about dealing with acid reflux during pregnancy.   Acid reflux during pregnancy can only add to your level of discomfort. Unfortunately, you can’t always treat it with the same natural methods while you’re pregnant. However, there are a lot of things you can do to try and prevent acid reflux and treat its symptoms.  What causes acid reflux in pregnancy? Acid reflux in pregnancy is actually pretty common.  It’s caused mainly by the hormone changes your body is experiencing and the growing baby pressing against your stomach.  You may experience acid reflux at any point in your pregnancy but it’s much more common after 27 weeks. …

  • Best Drinks To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

    Here are the best drinks to get rid of acid reflux.  If you’re dealing with chronic or occasional acid reflux trying some of these drinks can help you get your acid reflux under control.  Some of these drinks can help relieve some acid reflux symptoms right away. There are also more natural things you can do to get rid of acid reflux for good that might take a little longer to see results.   Best Drinks To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux  If you’re currently experiencing acid reflux symptoms or a full-blown flare-up, these drinks can be really soothing. These results may not last long for you but you can continue…

  • How To Stop Acid Reflux At Night

    Learn how to stop acid reflux at night and finally get the sleep you need!  Having occasional or chronic acid reflux at night can wreak havoc on your sleep. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to prevent acid reflux at night.  Before we talk about specific nighttime habits you can try, we should talk about your diet.  If you’re eating acid reflux-causing foods during the day then your acid reflux will naturally be worse at night. If you haven’t already studied up on the worst foods for acid reflux and the foods that help acid reflux. You can also use those articles to help identify your specific…

  • Acid Reflux Friendly Snacks

    Feeling snacky but have acid reflux? Check out these acid reflux-friendly snacks!  Depending on how your acid reflux affects you, you might feel constantly snacky or you may have zero appetite. If you’re really snacky it can be frustrating to find snacks that won’t compound the problem.  While sugary snacks are out of the question, there are plenty of flavorful snacks you can always have on hand. Here are some of my go tos!  If you’re looking for even more acid reflux-friendly recipes be sure to check out this Acid Reflux-Friendly Meal Plan that’s packed with flavorful and affordable recipes to help your acid reflux.  Acid Reflux Friendly Snack Ideas …

  • Acid Reflux Friendly Lunches

    Looking for easy acid reflux-friendly lunches? Here are my all-time go-to recipes!  If you’re dealing with chronic acid reflux or working to get off your daily antacids planning meals can be difficult. It can be more difficult to plan lunches that are filling, easy to make, and affordable.  If you’re not already aware of your trigger foods be sure to check out this blog to learn more about the foods you should avoid for acid reflux. Everyone is different and you may need to make adjustments to these lunches to fit your needs.  Also, be sure to check out my Acid Reflux Friendly Meal Plan PACKED with tons of easy…