Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin, are those annoying little red bumps on the back of your arms and legs. They're caused by a variety of things and can be really hard to get rid of. For years they made me super self-conscious. Until I started using some products that unexpectedly helped me get rid of keratosis pilaris. On this blog I break down all the things I tried to get rid of my KP, listing what worked and what didn't. Then I provide you with tips on how to find what will work for you.

  • How to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris

    I’ve dealt with Keratosis Pilarsis – those annoying red bumps on my arms and legs for as long as I can remember. Over the years I’ve tried so many different things and finally found a few things that help. Here you will find everything that I tried that helped me through my journey. Full transparency – I tried things for years and it cleared up in my pictures when I stopped eating gluten and started taking a probiotic. Nearly 6 years after those pictures were taken I was diagnosed with celiac disease. During those 6 years, I went on and off gluten multiple times. It always came back after I…