AIP Diet

  • AIP DIET SERIES – Week 3 Overview

    << Back to Week 1-2 Update I had a lot going on in my personal life this week that it’s been hard to take notes. Some added external stress has definitely been noticeable. But I’m working hard to put it behind me and not be too concerned. Overall this eating style is getting easier. Coming back from the lake I took things easy for a bit and have just been sticking with what I love. I am starting to see some slow and steady progress which is very encouraging. My inflammation is starting to lessen, my mind is clearing, and I generally feel much happier! Menu For The Week This…

  • AIP DIET SERIES – Week 1-2 Overview

    << Back To Introduction Update Starting the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet has been an eye-opening and transformative journey for me. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, but knowing that this is a step towards better health keeps me grounded. Here’s a peek into my experience so far: Balancing Cortisol Levels Supporting and balancing my cortisol levels often has a noticeable negative impact on my anxiety and mood right in the beginning. I’ve taken steps to lower my cortisol after a flare twice this year and it was the same feeling, so I was somewhat prepared for it, but the intensity always takes me by surprise. The second week on AIP…

  • AIP DIET SERIES – Introduction

    My Journey with Chronic Inflammation Living with celiac disease has been a rollercoaster of health and wellness. Initially, after my diagnosis, I adhered strictly to a gluten-free diet, and the results were phenomenal. My symptoms dramatically reduced, and I felt a sense of relief. However, over time, lingering symptoms of inflammation began to reappear. My menstrual cycle became irregular, and my PMS symptoms intensified. I also developed a sensitivity to nightshades, particularly tomatoes and potatoes. A Significant Shift A few months ago, I noticed a remarkable improvement in my condition, about 80 days after my last gluten exposure. My stomach size decreased significantly, seemingly shrinking by inches daily. To celebrate…