Looking to get rid of acid reflux naturally and for good? Tired of relying on harsh prescriptions every day just to find relief? Here’s what I did to get rid of my acid reflux for good. My Experience with Acid Reflux I remember having acid reflux as young as the age of 6. I started having really bad health problems around the age of 12, food sensitivities, migraines, etc. Finally, around age 15 we decided to see a GI specialist who did an Endoscopy and found that my entire stomach lining and esophagus was inflamed and scarred. The doctor suggested that it was caused by stress and prescribed an antacid.…
Acid Reflux
Learn how to get rid of acid reflux naturally and for good. As a young adult, I struggled with really bad heartburn and was put on daily acid blockers for four years. When enough was enough I decided to turn to natural remedies to get rid of my GERD. Within a few weeks, it was gone and hardly ever bothers me. I use this blog to teach what I've learned and what has worked for me so that I can help others get rid of their heartburn for good. I talk about the underlying caused of acid reflux, natural remedies to get rid of it, and how to keep it from controlling your life.
Get Rid Of Acid Reflux In 4 Weeks
This is a guide to getting rid of your acid reflux naturally and for good in as little as four weeks! I based this guide off of my own experience. After being on prescription antacids for over 5 years I was determined to find another solution. In my mind, I knew that my body could deal with it on its own, and I felt that the acid blockers just weren’t allowing my body to heal itself. So, like you, I did a ton of research online for natural remedies and committed myself for four weeks to a trying variety of remedies that I found. These are the exact steps I…