AIP DIET SERIES – Week 6 Overview

Discloser: I am not a trained health professional. All articles are based on my own experience and opinions. Please consult with a health professional before making lifestyle changes.

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Not too much to update this week, pretty much feeling the same as last week. My hip is feeling a little bit tighter but not too much. I’ve decided I’m going to see a pelvic floor specialist again just to make sure I’m not overlooking underlying issues, and to make sure the routine I’ve been doing for my pelvic tilt is correct.

Menu For the Week

My menu again was really similar this week. It was the end of the month so I chose budget friendly options that I already had some ingredients for. I also picked up some giant zucchini at the farmers market so I literally made the pesto pasta 4 times! It’s easily becoming one of my all time favorite recipes. I’m on the hunt for new recipes and will hopefully be shaking it up next week.

View my full AIP Diet Meal Plan / Menu here!


Pesto Pasta

(original recipe linked)


2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
1 cup fresh kale leaves, packed
1/4 cup fresh parsley, packed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp Truffle salt
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

I blended the ingredients together for the pesto sauce. Then I heated up a bag of frozen zucchini noodles on the stove, steaming for about 10 mins. Then I drained the noodles, added some avocado oil and sauteed for a bit. Mixed in a bit of the pesto and there you go! You could also add some grilled chicken to make the meal more filling. You could cut your own zucchini noodles but I found the frozen ones worked better for my routine.

Coconut Yogurt Bowl:

Coconut yogurt mixed with cinnamon and honey. Topped with berries and banana.

Mango Salmon Bowl

I used bagged coleslaw mix for the base, topped that with diced cucumber, mango, and avocado. Top it with cilantro and lime juice. For the salmon I pat it dry, then drizzle a little coconut aminos on it and season it with salt, ginger, garlic, and onion, and sometimes a drizzle of honey. I airfry that for 8 minutes at 400F or until it reaches an internal temp of 165F. And that’s it! Easy peasy and so fresh!

Chicken Shawarma

Cut a chicken breast into cubes. Season with salt, garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon. Airfry at 400F for 10 minutes with whatever veggie you like. I really like to pair this with cinnamon sweet potato fries. Add a little more honey drizzle on top and enjoy!

Apple & Cinnamon Chicken Thighs

Another one of my favorites! (Original recipe linked)

1.5 lbs chicken thighs
2 slices bacon
1-2 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger (or use fresh minced)
¼ tsp cardamom
1 sprig rosemary, chopped
a few sage leaves, chopped
Sea salt

Heat a large cast iron skillet and add the bacon. Cook until crispy on both sides, about 5-8 minutes depending on the thickness of your bacon.
Salt the chicken on both sides. When the bacon is done, remove it from the pan and set aside to cool. Leave a thin layer of bacon fat on the bottom of the pan (if you have excess, drain it in a separate container).
Add the chicken to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes on the first side, until golden brown. After turning the chicken once (so the first cooked side is facing up), add the apples, half your spices, sea salt and pepper. (Save the herbs for the last few minutes of cooking).
Allow to cook for 4-5 minutes on this side, then flip and add the rest of the spices and herbs (and dried fruit, if using).
When the chicken has about a minute left, chop your bacon into bits and scatter it over the chicken.
Serve warm!

Sweet and Sour Chicken

This recipe is so good! (original recipe linked – it’s easier to follow on their site)

It took my a lit to set up as you need to make a “nomato sauce” for it, however now that I have a bunch of that sauce prepped and in my freezer, this recipe is really easy to throw together. The original recipe called for a TON of veggies, which is great, but I prefer it a bit simpler. Now I make the sauce and marinade the chicken, then when that’s done I brown the chicken, add some pineapple chunks, and more sauce and call it good.

Lemon Chicken and Asparagus (or whatever veggie you have)

I make this multiple times a week! Easily one of my favs. (Original recipe linked)

2 tbsp avocado oil
1 tsp sea salt, divided
1 lb chicken breast, cubed
1 bunch asparagus
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup chicken broth
Juice of one lemon
1 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tsp arrowroot starch (I’ve been using tapioca starch cause I have it)

Using a large skillet, heat the avocado oil on medium heat.
Add the chicken to the skillet and lightly season with salt. Cook until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 F. Set aside.
Prepare the asparagus by chopping off the thick white base, and then slice in half again.

Add more oil to the pan if needed and sauté the asparagus with more salt for about 5-7 minutes or until softened and lightly crisp. Set aside.
Reduce the heat slightly and add the minced garlic to the pan. Cook until fragrant.
Add the broth, lemon juice, coconut aminos, and arrowroot starch to the pan and stir for about 2-3 minutes or until the sauce lightly thickens.
Add the chicken and asparagus back to the pan and cook for another 2 minutes to reheat.

Dole Whip

Frozen Pineapple

Coconut Cream

Pineapple Juice

Honey (if desired)

Blend together a cup or so of frozen pineapple, a spoonful of coconut cream (it’s strong, so find the amount you like) and enough pineapple juice for you to reach your desired consistency. Add honey if you like, but I don’t think it needs it.

I found that I don’t use much of the coconut cream but you can freeze it and it won’t solidify so it’s always ready for another batch!

Cinnamon Sweet Potato Fries

One of my favorite sweet treats! Just slice sweet potatoes into long strips (Fries) drizzle with coconut oil and cover with cinnamon (I use alot of cinnamon) airfry those for about 10mins at 400F until you’re desired level of crispy-ness

Cinnamon Apples

Another fantastic sweet treat! Slice an apple and sauté on a pan with coconut oil. Sprinkle a healthy dose of cinnamon on those apples as they cook. Cook until fork tender.

Strawberry Smoothie

Blend together frozen strawberries, coconut milk, and a splash of vanilla for a cold sweet treat!

Symptom Check In

  • Swelling/Inflammation: (Start – 8), (Week 2 – 7), (Week 3- 6), (Week 4 -5), (Week 5 -4): 4 – no significant changes from last week, however my Jean shorts are finally fitting! I haven’t been able to zip them up all summer but this week they fit comfortably.
  • Hip pain: (Start -7), (Week 2 -5), (Week 3 – 7), (Week 4 -5), (Week 5 –4): 5 – my pain is increasing a little bit more but not too bad. I’ve decided to incorporate my pelvic floor routine again and might try and visit with a physical therapist just to get another opinion on my pain and insure what I’m doing is correct.
  • Sleep Quality: (Start -3), (Week 2 -3), (Week 3 -4), (Week 4 -4), (Week 5-3): 3– sleep is getting slightly better, however I’ve been thrown off my sleep schedule this week. I started my period which makes me really sleepy, and naps tend to mess up my routine but I can’t avoid them.
  • Acid reflux: (Start -5), (Week 2 -0), (Week 3 -0), (Week 4 -0), (week 5 –0): 0- again no acid reflux
  • Psoriasis: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6), (Week 3 –5), (Week 4 –5), (week 5 –4): 3- I’m noticing an improvement of the redness on the back of my arms back and the dots on my legs and arms are less noticeable.
  • Hormonal acne: (Start -6), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -3), (Week 4 -3), (Week 5 –4): 3- i started my period and where my skin usually gets oily and I break out I really didn’t. I had one new pimple but it didn’t even turn white before it went away, so I call that a success!
  • PMS: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6), (Week 5 –3): 2- My period started and while I still had some appetite and energy changes my mood was pretty stable, if not much improved honestly. I’m not totally surprised, as my period pms symptoms are usually much lower than when I ovulate.
  • 28-day menstrual cycle: (Start -33 days), second cycle – 30 days); 3 days improvement this month! That’s great to see. Also my period was much more manageable and not nearly as heavy as it’s been the last few months.
  • Recognizing myself in the mirror:(Start -2), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -5), (Week 4 -6), (Week 5 –8); 9 – I’m continuing to feel much better in my body and more like my true self. It’s small things here and there but how my body looks isn’t front on my mind. There’s still a little work to be done but I’m just about to the level of confidence that I was hoping to see!


  • Focus less on the diet: at this point the AIP diet isn’t overwhelming anymore. I have easy recipes that I enjoy and I don’t have to think about things as much anymore. I’m feeling better so I’ve been able to take a deep breath and stop spending so much of my mental energy on my eating style. There’s something to be said about balancing the ins and out of this eating style but not stressing about it too much. After all, stress will cause just as many issues as the wrong eating style. It might have taken me a bit but my advice is to figure it all out, and then trust yourself. Take it day by day and make time for hobbies so your health isn’t top priority. By focusing your energy on things you love you’ll fill another important aspect of this journey, which is stress relief.

Supplements I’m Taking

These supplements support my gut and overall health during AIP. They are in no way required but people are often curious, so here’s what I’m currently taking:

Continue to Week 7 >>

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