AIP DIET SERIES – Week 5 Overview

Discloser: I am not a trained health professional. All articles are based on my own experience and opinions. Please consult with a health professional before making lifestyle changes.

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I’ve been dealing with stress in all directions this week. Our AC unit has gone out multiple times which caused stress and some sleepless night due to the heat (it’s the peak of summer right now). Plus I also have stressful work and personal projects going on right now. There’s so much I want to do and I simply don’t have enough time and that causes me a lot of stress. Stress is a key component to my overall health but I have yet to figure out how to reduce stress. Last time I saw significant improvement in my inflammation I was very calm and chill – but there are more external factors going on right now. My plan is to reduce my to do list so I can knock out a few big projects one by one instead of trying to chip away at all of them. I’m also increasing my creative self care and relaxing hobby time. I’m not much of a morning person but I’m working towards creating a morning routine so I don’t start my day directly with work.


Because I’m starting to feel better this week I’ve finally been able to increase my level of movement. I have been taking short walks but not much else. This week I was able to add in a few Pilate routines. I like Pilates because it’s not intense and I can go at my own speed, adjusting with where my body is. I find that my body doesn’t respond well to high intensity workouts or a lot of stretching.

I really like @fitbyzoe on Youtube for at home Pilates. She’s really easy to follow and her workouts are manageable and not intimidating.


I haven’t been able to take my meds much this week because of my schedule. I don’t love taking it right before bed because it gives me weird dreams and doesn’t lead to a restful sleep. I typically want to take it 2-3 hours before bed, and that’s not always a possibility with what I need to do in the evenings. So I was only able to take it once this week but man does it help! Not only does it help with my inflammation and pain, but it gives me brain a break to just relax. It’s probably the only time I can actually fully relax. The nice thing is it’s taught me what it feels like to be relaxed, and that I have the capability to relax. So even when I’m not taking it I find myself being able to relax more often.

Menu For the Week

This week I still had a lot of ingredients on hand to use up so I only shopped for 2-3 more meals. I brought back shrimp tacos because I wanted something fresh that felt summer-y! I also tried out two new recipes that I LOVED and will be doing again.

View my full AIP Diet Meal Plan / Menu here!

  • Pesto Pasta: I’ve attempted to buy a basil plant so many times and I’ve either killed it before I remembered this recipe, or wasn’t able to buy any. But I finally figured it out and made this simple recipe that was SO tasty and fresh for summer!
  • Chicken Cucumber Wraps: I used to make similar wraps as my “good job grocery shopping” treat. I’d get Jicama wraps at Trader Joes and their vegan tzatziki sauce, then I’d use a rotisserie chicken from Costco and cucumbers to make the perfect crisp and fresh taco. However, on AIP I needed to make my own tzatziki sauce so I found a great recipe for that and it came together much easier than I thought it would. Also – can we talk about why Costco’s rotisserie chicken has POTATO STARCH in it! I was so frustrated. I couldn’t find Jicama wraps this time so I just used my casava flour tortillas instead. It was the perfect pool lunch and quick prep lunch this week.


New Recipes this week:

Pesto Pasta

(original recipe linked)


2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
1 cup fresh kale leaves, packed
1/4 cup fresh parsley, packed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp Truffle salt
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

I blended the ingredients together for the pesto sauce. Then I heated up a bag of frozen zucchini noodles on the stove, steaming for about 10 mins. Then I drained the noodles, added some avocado oil and sauteed for a bit. Mixed in a bit of the pesto and there you go! You could also add some grilled chicken to make the meal more filling. You could cut your own zucchini noodles but I found the frozen ones worked better for my routine.

Chicken Cucumber Wraps with Tzatziki sauce

(Tzatziki sauce original recipe linked)

Tzatziki Sauce:

1/2 large cucumber
2 cloves garlic
2 cups coconut yogurt
3 tbsp fresh dill, chopped
Juice of half a lemon
2 tbsp olive oil, divided

Finely dice the cucumber or shred it. Wrap in a paper towel to squeeze out excess liquid. Add the rest of the ingredients and half the olive oil to a bowl and combine. Top with remaining olive oil.


Heat a casava flour tortilla so it’s flexible. Spread some Tzatziki sauce on the wrap, top with shredded chicken breast (I season mine with salt, garlic and onion, and air fry at 375F for 18-20 minutes until it reaches 165F and then shred it using my Kitchen Aid Mixer). Top with cucumber slices and more Tzatziki sauce if desired.

Repeating Recipes:

Coconut Yogurt Bowl:

Coconut yogurt mixed with cinnamon and honey. Topped with berries and banana.

Shrimp Tacos

I use frozen shrimp that I run under water for a few minutes to thaw. Then I season them with salt, ginger, and whatever else I want. I cook those in a pan or airfryer at 400F for about 5 minutes. Then just heat the casava flour tortilla, throw on some raw coleslaw mix, diced mango and diced avocado with a spritz of lime juice and you’re done!

Chicken Shawarma

Cut a chicken breast into cubes. Season with salt, garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon. Airfry at 400F for 10 minutes with whatever veggie you like. I really like to pair this with cinnamon sweet potato fries. Add a little more honey drizzle on top and enjoy!

Beef Patties

If you wanted you could do a lettuce wrap hamburger situation, but I’m too lazy for that. I just make beef patties by seasoning my ground beef with salt, garlic, and onion, shaping into balls, and then flatting them. Then I cook on the stove or in the airfryer until cooked through on both sides. I pair that with some sliced avocado and whatever veggie I have that day.

Apple & Cinnamon Chicken Thighs

Another one of my favorites! (Original recipe linked)

1.5 lbs chicken thighs
2 slices bacon
1-2 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger (or use fresh minced)
¼ tsp cardamom
1 sprig rosemary, chopped
a few sage leaves, chopped
Sea salt

Heat a large cast iron skillet and add the bacon. Cook until crispy on both sides, about 5-8 minutes depending on the thickness of your bacon.
Salt the chicken on both sides. When the bacon is done, remove it from the pan and set aside to cool. Leave a thin layer of bacon fat on the bottom of the pan (if you have excess, drain it in a separate container).
Add the chicken to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes on the first side, until golden brown. After turning the chicken once (so the first cooked side is facing up), add the apples, half your spices, sea salt and pepper. (Save the herbs for the last few minutes of cooking).
Allow to cook for 4-5 minutes on this side, then flip and add the rest of the spices and herbs (and dried fruit, if using).
When the chicken has about a minute left, chop your bacon into bits and scatter it over the chicken.
Serve warm!

Sweet and Sour Chicken

This recipe is so good! (original recipe linked – it’s easier to follow on their site)

It took my a lit to set up as you need to make a “nomato sauce” for it, however now that I have a bunch of that sauce prepped and in my freezer, this recipe is really easy to throw together. The original recipe called for a TON of veggies, which is great, but I prefer it a bit simpler. Now I make the sauce and marinade the chicken, then when that’s done I brown the chicken, add some pineapple chunks, and more sauce and call it good.

Lemon Chicken and Asparagus (or whatever veggie you have)

I make this multiple times a week! Easily one of my favs. (Original recipe linked)

2 tbsp avocado oil
1 tsp sea salt, divided
1 lb chicken breast, cubed
1 bunch asparagus
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup chicken broth
Juice of one lemon
1 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tsp arrowroot starch (I’ve been using tapioca starch cause I have it)

Using a large skillet, heat the avocado oil on medium heat.
Add the chicken to the skillet and lightly season with salt. Cook until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 F. Set aside.
Prepare the asparagus by chopping off the thick white base, and then slice in half again.

Add more oil to the pan if needed and sauté the asparagus with more salt for about 5-7 minutes or until softened and lightly crisp. Set aside.
Reduce the heat slightly and add the minced garlic to the pan. Cook until fragrant.
Add the broth, lemon juice, coconut aminos, and arrowroot starch to the pan and stir for about 2-3 minutes or until the sauce lightly thickens.
Add the chicken and asparagus back to the pan and cook for another 2 minutes to reheat.

Dole Whip

Frozen Pineapple

Coconut Cream

Pineapple Juice

Honey (if desired)

Blend together a cup or so of frozen pineapple, a spoonful of coconut cream (it’s strong, so find the amount you like) and enough pineapple juice for you to reach your desired consistency. Add honey if you like, but I don’t think it needs it.

I found that I don’t use much of the coconut cream but you can freeze it and it won’t solidify so it’s always ready for another batch!

Cinnamon Sweet Potato Fries

One of my favorite sweet treats! Just slice sweet potatoes into long strips (Fries) drizzle with coconut oil and cover with cinnamon (I use alot of cinnamon) airfry those for about 10mins at 400F until you’re desired level of crispy-ness

Cinnamon Apples

Another fantastic sweet treat! Slice an apple and sauté on a pan with coconut oil. Sprinkle a healthy dose of cinnamon on those apples as they cook. Cook until fork tender.

Strawberry Smoothie

Blend together frozen strawberries, coconut milk, and a splash of vanilla for a cold sweet treat!

Symptom Check In

  • Swelling/Inflammation: (Start – 8), (Week 2 – 7), (Week 3- 6), (Week 4 -5): 4 – I’m feeling more of a reduction in swelling and inflammation almost everywhere. My stomach is slowly reducing and my overall inflammation is improving. It’s still there but it’s not constantly hurting. I still feel some swelling in my knees but slightly less than last week.
  • Hip pain: (Start -7), (Week 2 -5), (Week 3 – 7), (Week 4 -5): 4 – my pain is reducing even more so than last week. Last week I could walk longer distances and it just felt sore, like a bad bruise. This week I’m walking much more and it just feels like a small bruise. My muscle isn’t getting fatigued but I’m still taking it easy and not pushing it with too long of walks just to ensure it doesn’t act up. I want to keep it moving to prevent tightness, but I can’t over do it either.
  • Sleep Quality: (Start -3), (Week 2 -3), (Week 3 -4), (Week 4 -4): 3 – sleep is getting a bit better this week, I’ve been stricter with my bedtime routine and my morning routine. Even if I don’t fall asleep super quickly I find it easier to get up on time and feel somewhat rested. Still not ideal level but there’s progress.
  • Acid reflux: (Start -5), (Week 2 -0), (Week 3 -0), (Week 4 -0): 0 – again no acid reflux
  • Psoriasis: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6), (Week 3 –5), (Week 4 –5): 4 – I don’t know if it’s in my head or I’m just getting tan but I feel like I’m seeing a significant improvement! The dots are there but aren’t as red and noticeable. I also have Keratosis Pilaris on the back of my arms that has been red lately, I didn’t think AIP would help with that level of redness but I feel like it is getting better. You could chalk it up to being slightly more tan, or the fact that I’m wearing so much sunscreen which is moisturizing my skin more, whatever it is I’m happy to see improvement!
  • Hormonal acne: (Start -6), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -3), (Week 4 -3): 4 – I had a total of three new pimples this week but baby ones, nothing I was discouraged about. I am approaching my period so this is the time I typically expect a breakout. However the pimples I had resolved within a few days.
  • PMS: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6): 3 – My period is approaching, but slightly delayed, however I have not had nearly as bad PMS these past two weeks! I had one emotional day but felt that was a realistic reaction to what was happening lol.
  • 28-day menstrual cycle: (Start -33 days): NA, same cycle (period is slightly delayed – which isn’t uncommon for me. I can have up to a 7 day variation and not be concerned)
  • Recognizing myself in the mirror:(Start -2), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -5), (Week 4 -6): 8 – Major improvement this week! Maybe chalk it up to where I am in my cycle but I am much kinder to myself, noticing when I look pretty at some point every day. I feel much more confident in myself and less concerned what others think of my appearance.


  • Budgeting: I’ve gone way over my grocery budget this month. It’s not entirely due to just my food, but it’s getting a little out of hand. I’m resisting the urge to eat less protein and overall food to make my budget last, while also trying to be realistic. I stocked up on meat at Costco and highly debated the decision between regular and organic protein. At Costco the regular chicken is hormone and additive free, the only difference with the organic being the animals diet. I can tell a difference in the texture of the chicken but I can’t say I can tell a difference in how it makes me feel. This is probably the last stock up I’ll be doing of entirely organic protein, just to help with my budget. I feel like Costco’s regular chicken option is still great but I need to do some more research. Going forward I plan to buy the regular chicken and see if I notice any changes. Another tip is to buy smaller amounts of groceries for just 3-4 days at a time if possible. I’m always surprised how I buy what I think is 3 days worth when it actually lasts me 5-6 without me cutting portions. I also try to eat up everything I can before I order more groceries to reduce my waste and my spending.

Supplements I’m Taking

These supplements support my gut and overall health during AIP. They are in no way required but people are often curious, so here’s what I’m currently taking:

Continue to Week 6 >>

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