AIP DIET SERIES – Week 11 Overview – Reintroduction Phase

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This week was largely a recovery week. I needed to recover from my work trip and luckily it was a holiday weekend so I was able to just relax. I did however reintroduce rice again and had a pretty poor reaction. This caused me to pause to check in with myself. I’m starting to get a little worried that my underlying issue could be my candida coming back. I’ve booked a check in appointment with my doctor just to touch base and see if she recommends any adjustments.

I did decide to take a small break from onion and garlic just because those could be an issue if I have SIBO, and they are two things I’ve never really had a break from.

What I Reintroduced This Week

Last week I reintroduced rice, I got a major headache and lots of hiccups but I wanted to try one more time to confirm.

Rice: Last time I introduced rice in my mango salmon bowl, but for round two I wanted to try it with a new meal just to make sure. I made my AIP turkey curry (without onion or garlic) which I’ve had multiple times lately with no reaction. Instead of cauliflower rice I paired it with regular white rice cooked in plain water. And boy, I was unprepared for the reaction. Within 20 minutes of my meal I was feeling the bloating, gas, and headache forming. My vision also started to get a bit blurry. That night I couldn’t sleep at all and stayed up the whole night racked with anxiety. The next day I had zero appetite, low energy, very lethargic. Two days after I noticed my gums were inflamed and my psoriasis appeared on my thighs again. Day three and four after I had little energy and my mental health tanked. I don’t know if it’s just the rice that caused all of this or if it just triggered a domino affect.

Either way, I decided to meet with my doctor to discuss that reaction and get her opinion. I’m getting suspicious that it could be SIBO/candida again (which I’ve had in the past and may need more on going maintenance than expected)

Due to my reaction and the recovery period I only tried rice again this week. Next week I’m hoping to reintroduce collagen powder (mine is chocolate so we’ll see how that goes) and quinoa pasta.

Menu For the Week

In the reintroduction phase I’ll be eating recipes from my master AIP menu plus anything successfully reintroduced.

View my full AIP Diet Meal Plan / Menu here!

Symptom Check In

  • Swelling/Inflammation: (Start – 8), (Week 2 – 7), (Week 3- 6), (Week 4 -5), (Week 5 -4): (Week 6 -4) (Week 7 -6), (Week 8 -3), (Week 9 -4), (Week 10 -6): 6 – the reaction to rice caused more inflammation initially but honestly I recovered much faster than usual.
  • Hip pain: (Start -7), (Week 2 -5), (Week 3 – 7), (Week 4 -5), (Week 5 -4), (Week 6 -5), (Week 7 -6), (Week 8 -4), (Week 9 -4), (Week 10 -6): 5 – I’m still recovering from my work trip and the additional reaction to rice as hindered that progress.
  • Sleep Quality: (Start -3), (Week 2 -3), (Week 3 -4), (Week 4 -4), (Week 5-3), (Week 6-3), (Week 7 -3), (Week 8 -4), (Week 9 -4), (Week 10 -2): 4 – my sleep has improved this week although it’s still difficult. My leg has been hurting more making it uncomfortable to sleep. I’m getting a lot more sleep this week (unwillingly) but it’s not great quality.
  • Acid reflux: (Start -5), (Week 2 -0), (Week 3 -0), (Week 4 -0), (week 5 -0), (Week 6-0), (Week 7 -2), (Week 8 -1), (Week 9 -1), (Week 10 -1): 0 – back to no acid reflux, not even hiccups
  • Psoriasis: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6), (Week 3 -5), (Week 4 -5), (week 5 -4), (Week 6-3), (Week 7 -2), (Week 8 -2), (Week 9 -2), (Week 10 -2): 3 – after reintroducing rice the psoriasis on my thighs reappears slightly for about 2 days. I wouldn’t consider it a full come back or even flare, I just noticed it again while it’s been mostly gone for a while.
  • Hormonal acne: (Start -6), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -3), (Week 4 -3), (Week 5 -4), (Week 6-3), (Week 7 -4), (Week 8 -2), (Week 9 -3), (Week 10 -2): 1 – I usually get hormonal acne on my chin/neck area. This week I had one little pimple on my forehead but nothing new on my chin.
  • PMS: (Start -8), (Week 2 -6), (Week 5 -3), (week 6-2), (Week 8 -0), (Week 9 -0), (Week 10 -1): NA
  • 28-day menstrual cycle: (Start -33 days), (second cycle – 30 days), (third cycle – 27 days): NA
  • Recognizing myself in the mirror:(Start -2), (Week 2 -4), (Week 3 -5), (Week 4 -6), (Week 5 -8), (week 6-9), (Week 7 -7), (Week 8 -8), (Week 9 -8), (Week 10 -5): 7 – I’m recovering from last weeks dip quite nicely. Not as confident as I’ve been but it’s getting much better. Even with my reaction this week but the end of the week I felt like I was getting back to normal.

Supplements I’m Taking

These supplements support my gut and overall health during AIP. They are in no way required but people are often curious, so here’s what I’m currently taking:

Continue to Week 12 >>

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